Thursday, August 20, 2015

Blogging Days Gone Indefinitely... or at least until retirement!

You can get news on the writings of Nancy LaRonda Johnson by going to her website at: 

You can also check out previous posts!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Giveaway Winners!

I am happy to announce the winners of the International Authors’ Day celebration and the Authors' Cave Blog Day festival giveaway!

Below are the winners, whom I have emailed individually.

$10 Amazon gift card                 

Brandi Dagwa

Copies of Anticipation of the Penitent

1. Courtney Whisenant
2. Theresa Crocker Jones
3. Brandi Dagwan
4. Summer Laird Grinstead
5. Lori Franklin Hopkins

Copies of Salted With Fire

1. Stacey Price
2. Lori Franklin Hopkins
3. Courtney Whisenant
4. Kendika Burkeshire
5. Margo Bonds Collins 

Thanks to everyone for participating these past two author events!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Authors' Cave Blog Train Festival!

There’s another authors’ celebration afoot. After the fun times of International Authors’ Day, there’s now the Authors’ Blog Train, started by the amazing Ginger Gelsheimer of Book Review Depot and Authors’ Cave. Check out these two wonderful writers’ sites for this Grand Launch Festival the celebration with giveaways, scavenger hunts and contests. Be sure to enter the Giveaway below!

For this post, I’m celebrating three authors: Pam Funke, Claudette Alexander and Joe DeRouen.

Pam Funke

Pam Funke is the proud grand-daughter of a pastor and has spent the majority of her life in the church. She loves serving God and living a Christian life. She is a Christian author who enjoys writing many different things. Her love of reading and writing led her to write for the enjoyment of others. Besides reading and writing, she enjoys photography, cooking, painting, drawing, scrap-booking and anything creative actually.

Pam Funke has written six books, including A Valley Experience and the Apocalypse series books. You can find out more about her and enter her giveaway to win a Kindle Fire by clicking here

Claudette Alexander

Claudette Alexander is obsessed with love and romance. As a teenager growing up in St.Lucia she was fascinated with the Mills and Boon series and always envisioned some Prince coming down some mountain to rescue her heart.

Her first novel SUNRISE FROM AN ICY HEART: A MEMOIR is about her transformational journey into womanhood, her relentless search to find a special kind of love, the joys and headaches of raising loving sons and her fight to remain among the land of the living.
In addition it envelopes all that is special about St. Lucia, its people, culture, and beauty. You can find out more by clicking here.

Joe DeRouen

Joe DeRouen was born in Carthage, Illinois, and currently lives in Rogers, Arkansas with his artist wife Andee, their son Fletcher, and their cats Lucky, Milo, and Camptown. Joe is a freelance writer and a substitute teacher at Benton County School of the Arts. In addition to writing, he enjoys purchasing (and occasionally watching) copious amounts of Blu-Ray discs, listening to music, playing video games, and collecting Mego action figures from the 1970s. Small Things is his first novel. Threads, the sequel to Small Things and the second book in the trilogy, was published in October of 2013. You can write to Joe at or visit his website by clicking here.

Thanks Ginger for putting on this grand event!

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