Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Journal Past Blast: Reliving lonely times

The last month and a half have been so busy promoting other writers, and myself, that I hadn’t been able to post these Tuesday Journal Past Blast. Well, now it's back! 

Being vulnerable is a necessary trait of a writer, right? Well, I’ve come across quite a few raw-emotion journal writings, but am only brave enough to post this one, likely written between 1990 and 1993, after college but before law school: 

When I touched your chest, I gave you my history, hoping your heartbeats could make sense of the pain. I kissed your lips and shared with you my destiny’s end. Will you spend it with me and take away my fear and shame?

Will you give me a reason to stay in your arms? Since there is no truth in my eyes that suits you.

Maybe down the line, I’ll be able to post some of those previously kept secret journal entries. Truly, all of it's been secret, but you know what I mean. Until next week….


  1. This post sounds so deep and sad. Passion wanted, lost? Who knows.

  2. You are brave, I would never share anything I wrote in my college days. Not bad, either.

    1. Well, I have to consider how brave, good or bad, I want to be next week. Thanks for visiting. :)

  3. Love that you recorded a journal in poetry format! So awesome, and so poignant!

    1. It is strange reading all of these. Not so sure it's healthy... but it's neat.

  4. Glad these are back :D

    I found it to be so deep and full of emotions. Thank you for sharing it and...way to go on the bravery!

    Loved it ;)

  5. Oh wow, that's so beautiful and deep.

  6. So many of us had angst in our college days.. no longer a child, but not quite an adult yet. Emotions running all over the place. But such an innocent and sensitive time. How lucky for you that you've written them down. Always to look back and see how the younger you had felt at that time.

    I never kept journals then. I wish I had, Time was scarce for me with college and my modeling career. I didn't have time to breathe.

    So beautifully written, Nancy.

    1. Thanks Michael. Angst is right, plus being emotionally screwed up. It is weird to read these and remember where I was mentally then. I do feel blessed to have these to look back on. I can also see where my writing style stemmed from.

  7. Every time you post one of your journal entries, I'm struck by how poetic and lovely your words are. My journals are always so raw and unappealing. I'm sure you draw from these feelings in your books.

    1. Oh, I have some raw and unappealing writings in my journals too. I just choose not to share those. :)

  8. I love it! I've thought about doing that with a journal of poems I kept in my 20s. Some of it's pretty wacky tho. Still, it could be fun. :)

    1. You should. I had wanted this to be a blog hop, but didn't get any joiners. :(

  9. meow woman! that was a hot journal entry...please...go on i got the popcorn popped!

    1. Lol! Shoot, you should see the one several pages down! I may not be brave enough to post that journal entry.

  10. Greetings human, Nancy,

    I see that with this, you share and with your sharing, the therapeutic magic of the written words and the recollections.

    Vulnerability is a pure emotion and what we learn from this, defines us.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

    1. :)) Greetings, human, to you too!

      Is this therapeutic? I guess I did have a bit of a revelation this week after this and other journal entries have been shaking and rattling in my brain, so maybe you're right.

      Good to have a modest superstar helping me along this trail. :)

  11. '...since there is no truth in my eyes that suits you...'

    So touching and so - what is the word? Raw is too...raw. So immediate, perhaps. Thank you for posting it.

    Diana at About Myself By Myself

    1. I'm glad people are being moved some by these. Thanks Diana for coming by and for your comments. :)


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