Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Unilateral Undertaking of Undesirable and Unattainable Phenomena

The title says it all, doesn’t it? It is intriguing and perplexing. Makes you want to join right in even though you have no idea what you’re signing up for. It’s like going on a rollercoaster for the first time and wondering whether your outtake on life will change by the end of the ride. 
 pic from

Every time we take that jump into a new endeavor, a new dream, a new hope… we, that is you and I on an individual basis, undertake (or travail) reaching that goal. 

But why undesirable? you ask. I’ll ask you this, would you rather have the cow brought to your yard
pic from

or have a waiter bring you a delicious, juicy burger on a silver platter? Or for you vegetarian or non-red meat eater sorts who may be disgusted by that question, would you rather be provided with antiseptics, scalpel and sutures on your dining room table,    

or would you rather be knocked out by an anesthesiologist in a hospital and worked on by a highly capable surgeon for your necessary procedure? Well, that’s the whatstodo about undesirable. Think about it. You'll get what I'm saying.

Now about those phenomena. Not singular, because we in this life have sooo many dreams - those hoped for remarkable events we want to make happen.

These phenomena seem so remarkable that we wonder whether we will ever attain them. We often ask ourselves, “Will I ever finish writing this book?” “Will anyone even read it?” “When will I ever get a darned review!” and also, “Why do I have to work instead of write and travel everyday?” “When will I ever have the courage get over my insecurities and believe I can do it?” whatever it is.

There you have it: We all embark on unilateral undertakings of undesirable and unattainable phenomena. The wonderful thing is that the undertaking only succeeds with the help of others, and it is often not so horrible or undesirable in hindsight of the accomplished goal. Who could publish a book without others willing to give input and make edits? Who would want their book to suddenly appear in front of them complete without the effort and suffering used to create it?

When you think about it, being a writer is not so lonely a career path as it would seem, because there are many out there who are unilaterally undertaking their own phenomena. And guess what? They are looking for you to join the ride. In fact, you are definitely a requirement.

So let’s get going. No fear, no loneliness, no self-doubt:


  1. Wow, those are a lot of "U" words. lol
    What a great post Nancy!

    1. Yes, it was a surprise to me too, but fun! Thanks Dani.

  2. What an inspiring post and a great use of U words. Love it!

    1. It's strange, but I thought it was inspiring too. Glad it reached you.

  3. It is nourishing to the soul and a great inspiration to be surrounded by others on this writing journey. And a dream left unpursued is sad. Great U words!

  4. Hi, Nancy,
    The longer I write, the more wonderful people I meet on the journey.

    J.L. Campbell writes Jamaican Kid Lit

    1. That's true with the longer I blog! Thanks for coming by. :)

  5. One of the best posts I've read today...and I've read a lot of posts today.

    Thanks for being so uplifting and encouraging, Nancy :)

    1. Thanks Mark. That means a lot. Glad you enjoyed this.

  6. Now that we have the Internet and more ways to connect with one another, it's not lonely at all.

    And my first big roller coaster did change my life forever - now I love them and can't get enough!

    1. I knew there was someone out there who related to the roller coaster analogy!

  7. I so love the way you ended this post, and especially the "once upon a time" photo which gave the ending a magnificently powerful punch!!! Bravo, Nancy, now let's get fear, no loneliness, no self-doubt.

    1. I AM SO there, Demetria.... Just let me get at least 10 hours of sleep to catch up on what I've lost. :)

      Glad to get your take on this post!

  8. I'm glad I'm not alone. :)

    1. No you're not. It is way too easy to forget that, isn't it Medeia?

  9. You've chosen a perfect metaphor, Nancy. That roller coaster is it!

  10. I really do need to get to writing my book. I procrastinate by writing shorter stories and articles, and blog posts. I love the title! :)

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

    1. Maybe we need to try and give ourselves a deadline of when to start what we need to.

  11. You said it - pushing forward, communicating with God, pausing to listen, and push onward again. :)


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