Monday, April 29, 2013


Many dreams come, developments are reached and goals are attained because of initial yearnings for things not yet at hand. 

If so much good come from yearnings, why is it that they seem to have negative connotations? People often say we should be happy with what we have, which could mean that yearning for what we don't have focuses selfish attention on ourselves. In that sense, yearnings are like discarded branches and twigs strewn about on the shores of who we are - the ignoble parts of our character. I know I often have an inner sense of guilt for wanting what I don't have when I have been blessed with so much already.

I think that guilty feeling, however, does not come from God, as God wants to show his children favor with many blessings. If we don't acknowledge the yearnings we have, there is a great chance that we will unwittingly not accept blessings from God who supplies the fulfillment of our yearnings.

I do yearn, and these yearnings bring me feelings of melancholy, hope, loneliness, joy, fear and expectation. The negative feelings in this list, I'm realizing, come from not acknowledging that many yearnings are good in God's eyes. Indeed, wishing for more than I have is not sinful. I would not be who I am today if I did not yearn to write a book, to help care for my family, to travel, to further my education, to speak another language and to please God.

Starting now, I will allow myself to have yearnings, free from feelings of guilt. I will accept God's desire to bless me by bringing these yearnings to completion. Only then will those seemingly discarded and ignoble branches and twigs become part of the beautiful landscape that will be my final portrait.

My vacation at the coast in Mendocino County, CA

Please visit these other A to Z Challenge blogs:
Elaine AM Smith
Devin Dahl


  1. I don't believe wishes and yearnings themselves are sins, but how we handle them and what form they take. Gorgeous picture :)

  2. I think people confuse yearning with coveting. Drecker is right that picture is gorgeous. And it goes so well with your post. God wants us to prosper and yearning is just a way of deeply feeling the need to accomplish things we desire and hope for.

  3. If you believe in God you believe he made you for a reason. If we didn't yearn to become what we are supposed to be we would not be living up to our potential as his creation.

  4. To yearn is to be human...or something like that!

  5. This was very inspiring for me to read.
    Unfortunately, I know many people who are judgemental when it comes to others yearning more. They don't look at as someone following their dreams or trying to do better for themselves and their loved ones, its just sad.
    I've been feeling a bit blocked mentally from continuing my editing and getting this show rolling, but you've just given me a smile and I think I'm ready to tackle it again. I yearn... and its ok ;)

    1. I was hoping that this post would affect someone like this. Unfortunately there are many Christians who do just as you say, and don't allow people to freely dream and strive for more - not seeing that as striving to be the best they can and attain all God wants for them.

      As with many people in the Bible, God likes it when we are determined in our actions, rather than being lukewarm. If we are determined in the wrong area, he will set us straight if we are open to listen to him. Thanks for this comment S.

  6. I think it is natural to yearn and dream it helps us grow and move forward. It can become destructive when the dreams turn into obsessions at the exclusion of other things. Thoughtful and inspiring post, Nancy.

  7. Yearning for things that produce positive results is a good thing.

  8. It is so great to read all of these discussions and reactions. Never knew this post would bring out so much. Thanks everyone for reading.

  9. We can always yearn to do more for God. That's not negative.

  10. Nancy, this is wonderful how you expressed yearning here and the need to yearn guilt-free. Sometimes I feel that guilt, too, so I'm completely grateful your words help soothe, calm, and eliminate that guilt.

    1. Thanks Demetria. Some people have been raised in a culture where striving to reach your goals isn't always seen in a positive light, but as an idol in your life. An expert, however, or even someone who is well versed in something, cannot be that unless they work purposefully hard at it. If it takes up most of your thought, doesn't necessarily make it an idol.

  11. Like someone above me said, I think there is a difference between yearning and coveting. Basically, it's okay to want better for yourself :)

  12. Great post, Nancy, and I agree...nothing wrong with yearning for more as long as we're keeping our eyes on the Lord.

  13. Beautiful picture.
    The word yearning makes me think of the difference between our needs and our desires. It's often said that what we need is far more important than what we desire. We cannot live without the basic needs, for example, clothes, food, shelter.... but we can live without those things we desire.
    Imagine that your basic needs are fulfilled but you come from a socio-economically disadvantaged community and want to better yourself. What about the desire to rise above the norm? The desire to progress and be highly successful? What then? Should you just remain content with your situation? Just some thoughts...

    Writer In Transit

    1. That's the reason why some people think it's not Christian to "want" for more than you need. Which is crazy because God does want to bless us with more. Just look at the people of the Bible who were blessed when they served God - Solomon, the richest man ever when he became so after asking only for wisdom; David, a powerful warrior and rich as well, and many others. I'm tired.

      Glad you shared your thoughts. :)

  14. Yearning is fine as long as you don't hurt others to get what you want. But it's also good to be happy and content with what you already have. Being happy in the moment removes painful thoughts if yearning is allowed to grow too strong.

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:


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